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Our Story

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

After a wildfire, the rosebay willowherb, commonly known as fireweed, is one of the first plants to rejuvenate the scorched landscape. This resilient flora enriches the devastated earth, paving the way for the forest's revival. At Rosebay Behavioral Health, we emulate the fireweed's role, fostering growth and renewal for our clients by nurturing a foundation where healing can flourish.

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Starting Rosebay Behavioral Health has been the culmination of a long-held dream for founders Vicki Lucas and Chris Hammett. With extensive experience in mental health care, they recognized a significant need for a dedicated, long-term, high-acuity mental health treatment facility in Northern California. Confident in their vision and expertise, the founders began assembling the ideal team. Their collaboration with Kristina Wandzilak marked a pivotal moment, further solidified by joining forces with Charlie Litchfield to complete the founding team. The final piece was to secure the most qualified Clinical Director, and we are thrilled to announce that Rainey Temkin has accepted this crucial role. Together, we have assembled a team of passionate and experienced professionals, ready to serve the community right in the heart of Marin County.

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